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[Python] How do I tell mypy that except() will bail a pytest test?

Discussão em 'Python' iniciado por Stack, Setembro 27, 2024 às 18:32.

  1. Stack

    Stack Membro Participativo

    The following code works, but I fell like I shouldn't have to write it:

    def test_transaction(self, the_client):
    transaction: Transaction = transactions.filter([...]).first()

    # NOTE: this is stupid and unnecessary just to satisfy mypy.
    # the next expect() will bail if this test is true,
    # so this if statement is completely superfluous
    if transaction is None:
    raise AssertionError("missing transaction")

    # I want to tell mypy this works like the above if statement

    # if the if statement above isn't there, it tells me
    # None | Transaction doesn't have the property "client"

    Is there an easier way to do this that will satisy mypy? I have 1000+ tests like this and I don't want to add 2000+ more lines of completely unnecessary, useless code just to make a freaking code checker happy.

    I have the django and drf stubs installed.

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