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[Python] How do I insert a ui.page_navbar() layout using ui.insert()?

Discussão em 'Python' iniciado por Stack, Setembro 27, 2024 às 22:32.

  1. Stack

    Stack Membro Participativo

    I have the following Shiny for Python app that I want to execute where the app starts with a simple welcome page that asks for a value, with a button that the user clicks on when complete. After the button is clicked, a new page renders with a ui.page_navbar layout (including the text value entered at the welcome page).

    Here is the code:

    from shiny import App, ui, reactive, render

    # main ui object for the app
    app_ui = ui.page_fluid(
    ( "Welcome Screen",
    ui.input_text(id='str_val', label='Type in something'),
    ui.input_action_button(id="btn_welcome", label="Proceed!"),

    # main server function for the app
    def server(input, output, session):
    @reactive.event(input.btn_welcome, ignore_init=True, ignore_none=True)
    def _():
    ui.remove_ui(selector="div:has(> #welcome_screen)")

    ui= ui.page_navbar(

    ui.nav_panel("Tab 1", "Tab 1 content",ui.output_text('str_val')),
    ui.nav_panel("Tab 2", "Tab 2 content"),
    ui.nav_panel("Tab 3", "Tab 3 content"),
    title="Main Page",

    def str_val():
    return input.str_val()

    app = App(app_ui, server)

    When I run this, the welcome screen loads and works as expected. When I click on the button, the welcome screen disappears, but then the screen is blank, the ui.page_navbar layout doesn't appear. I have successfully used ui.insert_ui to place content within a div before successfully, but for some reason it isn't working with a page_navbar type tag. I thought maybe the issue was that a ui.page_navbar object couldn't be placed inside a div (where I'm trying to insert it using ui.insert_ui), but in a separate test I was able to do that by just placing it in the app_ui code manually.

    I appreciate any suggections.

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