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[Python] How can I create an "Empty" sharepoint site page and add webparts later

Discussão em 'Python' iniciado por Stack, Outubro 5, 2024 às 21:32.

  1. Stack

    Stack Membro Participativo

    I want to use the Graph API to create a page on a sharepoint site, and then later add some HTML webparts to it. I can get the example page here working in Python using the requests library exactly as shown on that page but if I remove the inner text I get errors. What I want to do is something like this, and then later add the HTML webparts in a separate or future request:

    def create_two_column_page(headers, site_id, page_name, page_title):
    print(f"Creating page {page_name} with title {page_title} ...")
    url = f"{ACTIVE_DIRECTORY_GRAPH_API_URL_PREFIX}/sites/{site_id}/pages"
    page_payload = {
    "@odata_type": "#microsoft.graph.sitePage",
    "name": page_name,
    "title": page_title,
    "canvasLayout": {
    "verticalSection": {
    "columns": [
    {"id": "1", "width": 6, "webparts": []},
    {"id": "2", "width": 6, "webparts": []}
    response = requests.post(url, headers=headers, json=page_payload, verify=False)

    I get a 400 back with a rather cryptic "invalidRequest", "innerError" error message with no useful information. The bearer token is fine as I can call other APIs to list site pages etc.

    Is what I am trying to do not possible? I can work around it by creating the example site and later use a HTTP PATCH to update the webpart but that feels very clunky?

    Advice please!

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