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[Python] Exponential Moving Average (EMA) calculations in Polars dataframe

Discussão em 'Python' iniciado por Stack, Outubro 1, 2024 às 08:22.

  1. Stack

    Stack Membro Participativo

    I have the following list of 20 values:

    values = [143.15,143.1,143.06,143.01,143.03,143.09,143.14,143.18,143.2,143.2,143.2,143.31,143.38,143.35,143.34,143.25,143.33,143.3,143.33,143.36]

    In order to find the Exponential Moving Average, across a span of 9 values, I can do the following in Python:

    def calculate_ema(values, periods, smoothing=2):
    ema = [sum(values[:periods]) / periods]

    for price in values[periods:]:
    ema.append((price * (smoothing / (1 + periods))) + ema[-1] * (1 - (smoothing / (1 + periods))))
    return ema

    ema_9 = calculate_ema(values, periods=9)


    The resulting list of EMA values is 12 items long, the first value [0] corresponding to the 9th [8] value from values.

    Using Pandas and TA-Lib, I can perform the following:

    import pandas as pd
    import talib as ta

    df_pan = pd.DataFrame(
    'value': values

    df_pan['ema_9'] = ta.EMA(df_pan['value'], timeperiod=9)


    value ema_9
    0 143.15 NaN
    1 143.10 NaN
    2 143.06 NaN
    3 143.01 NaN
    4 143.03 NaN
    5 143.09 NaN
    6 143.14 NaN
    7 143.18 NaN
    8 143.20 143.106667
    9 143.20 143.125333
    10 143.20 143.140267
    11 143.31 143.174213
    12 143.38 143.215371
    13 143.35 143.242297
    14 143.34 143.261837
    15 143.25 143.259470
    16 143.33 143.273576
    17 143.30 143.278861
    18 143.33 143.289089
    19 143.36 143.303271

    The Pandas / TA-Lib output corresponds with that of my Python function.

    However, when I try to replicate this using funtionality purely in Polars:

    import polars as pl

    df = (
    'value': values
    pl.col('value').ewm_mean(span=9, min_periods=9,).alias('ema_9')


    I get different values:

    value ema_9
    f64 f64
    143.15 null
    143.1 null
    143.06 null
    143.01 null
    143.03 null
    143.09 null
    143.14 null
    143.18 null
    143.2 143.128695
    143.2 143.144672
    143.2 143.156777
    143.31 143.189683
    143.38 143.229961
    143.35 143.255073
    143.34 143.272678
    143.25 143.268011
    143.33 143.280694
    143.3 143.284626
    143.33 143.293834
    143.36 143.307221

    Can anyone please explain what adjustments I need to make to my Polars code in order get the expected results?

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