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[Python] An error occurs in odoo 17 at the python code level, when trying to query a related...

Discussão em 'Python' iniciado por Stack, Outubro 3, 2024 às 23:52.

  1. Stack

    Stack Membro Participativo

    An error appears in odoo 17 at the python code level, when trying to query a related field type Many2one, this field is recognized as False or empty, even though it is queried at the SQL database level, this same shows that the field is saved at the database level, but when trying to query at the odoo ORM level, it is shown as empty or False, this error also causes an access error, where it is indicated that the user does not have access to it, but these permissions are already placed in the corresponding user, at the graphical interface level the field is shown as full, the user can enter it normally from the graphical interface, the code has been inspected, and how the field is being declared and it does not have security restrictions, I show below the code that carries out the process:

    from odoo import SUPERUSER_ID, fields, models, api
    import random
    import string
    import logging

    _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    class CreateFinancialReport(models.TransientModel):
    _name = "create.financial.report"
    _description = "Create Financial Report"

    name = fields.Char()
    company_id = fields.Many2one("res.company", default=lambda self: self.env.company)
    type = fields.Selection(
    [("balance", "Balance"), ("profit_loss", "Profit and Loss"), ("all", "All")]

    def create_financial_report(self):
    financial_report = self.with_user(SUPERUSER_ID).env["account.report"].create(
    "name": self.name + " / " + self.company_id.name,
    "filter_date_range": True,
    "filter_period_comparison": True,
    "filter_growth_comparison": True,
    "filter_unfold_all": True,
    "filter_journals": True,
    "filter_analytic": True,
    "filter_multi_company": 'selector',
    financial_report.column_ids = [(0, 0, {
    "name": "Balance",
    "expression_label": "balance",

    sql = """
    select id
    from account_account
    where company_id= %s

    if self.type == "balance":
    sql += " and code between '1' and '399999999999' "
    elif self.type == "profit_loss":
    sql += " and code between '4' and '699999999999' "

    sql += " order by code , company_id "
    self.with_user(SUPERUSER_ID)._cr.execute(sql, [self.company_id.id])
    values = self.with_user(SUPERUSER_ID)._cr.fetchall()
    self_line = self.with_user(SUPERUSER_ID).env["account.report.line"]
    msg = "Values: " + str(values)
    for value in values:
    _logger.info("Value: " + str(value))
    account = self.with_user(SUPERUSER_ID).with_company(self.company_id.id).env["account.account"].search([("id", "=", value[0]),
    ('company_id', '=', self.company_id.id)])
    account_parent = account.sudo().parent_id
    account_parent = self.with_user(SUPERUSER_ID).with_company(self.company_id.id).env["account.account"].search([("id", "=", account_parent.id),
    ('company_id', '=', self.company_id.id)])
    _logger.info("Account: " + str(account))
    if account:
    if account.name and account.code:
    name = account.code + " " + account.name
    elif account.name:
    name = account.name
    name = account.code
    if account.parent_id:
    _logger.info("Whit child lines IDS")
    _logger.info("Account Parent: " + str(account_parent))
    old_line = self_line.with_user(SUPERUSER_ID).search(
    ("code", "=", account_parent.code),
    ("report_id", "=", financial_report.id),
    line = self_line.with_user(SUPERUSER_ID).create(
    "name": name,
    "report_id": financial_report.id,
    "parent_id": old_line.id,
    "code": account.code,
    "hide_if_zero": True,
    if account and account.account_type in (
    line.with_user(SUPERUSER_ID).expression_ids = [(
    0, 0, {
    'label': 'balance',
    'engine': 'aggregation',
    'formula': '-sum',
    line.expression_ids = [(
    0, 0, {
    'label': 'balance',
    'engine': 'aggregation',
    'formula': 'sum',
    _logger.info("Parent ID is None")
    "report_id": financial_report.id,
    "name": name,
    "code": account.code,
    "hide_if_zero": True,
    level = 1
    for line in financial_report.line_ids:
    _logger.info("Line ID: " + str(line.id))
    self.with_user(SUPERUSER_ID).set_data_to_line(line, level)

    def set_data_to_line(self, line, level):
    line.hierarchy_level = level
    level += 1
    _logger.info("Line with children IDS: " + str(line.children_ids))
    if line.children_ids:
    sql_sum = """
    select string_agg(CONCAT(code, '.balance'), '+')
    from account_report_line
    where parent_id = %s
    self._cr.execute(sql_sum, [line.id])
    value_sum = self._cr.fetchall()
    report_expression = self.env['account.report.expression'].search([('report_line_id', '=', line.id)])
    for expression in report_expression:
    'engine': 'aggregation',
    'formula': value_sum[0][0],
    'blank_if_zero': True,
    for child in line.children_ids:
    self.set_data_to_line(child, level)
    line.with_user(SUPERUSER_ID).groupby = "account_id"
    if line.parent_id.code:
    report_expression = self.env['account.report.expression'].search(
    [('report_line_id', '=', line.id)])
    for expression in report_expression:
    'engine': 'domain',
    'formula': "[('account_id.code', '=', " + "'" + line.code + "'" + ")]",
    'blank_if_zero': True,
    'subformula': 'sum',
    line.with_user(SUPERUSER_ID).groupby = "account_id"

    In the case of if account.parent_id, the code enters the if, indicating that the field is full, but when you try to perform the query to obtain the

    account_parent, account_parent = self.with_user(SUPERUSER_ID).with_company(self.company_id.id).env["account.account"].search([("id", "=", account.parent_id.id),
    ('company_id', '=', self.company_id.id)])

    This returns empty and prevents the code from continuing to function normally. It also happens that when trying to enter a specific field such as account_parent.code or account_parent.name, an access error occurs as if the user had been assigned the permissions. The permissions and registration rules have already been verified and are placed correctly.

    What is required is to be able to access the different fields of this model to be able to generate the financial reports with their own formulas?

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