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Phone number validation with every input possible

Discussão em 'Outras Linguagens' iniciado por Payal Desai, Outubro 10, 2024 às 13:02.

  1. Payal Desai

    Payal Desai Guest

    I am following validation concept.

    Server side:

    'telephone' => 'required|min:11|numeric'

    Client side:

    <input name="telephone" type="tel" id="telephone" title="Enter Valid mobile number" required>

    But when i enter input like:

    '(+44) 123456789'

    Then is is not working from both server and client side.

    But i want to input phone number with every possible input like:

    (+44) 1234567899

    +44 1234567899

    (+44) 01234567899

    +44 01234567899




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