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ORDER BY CASE in sort pageable java spring

Discussão em 'Angular' iniciado por lys_18, Outubro 7, 2024 às 09:42.

  1. lys_18

    lys_18 Guest

    In the same way as this question: Similar solution I would like to know if it is possible to pass ORDER BY CASE WHEN exID = 2 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END from angular to java spring or the variable to order by the exID.

    Initially in my case I have params = params.append(“sort”, matSort.active + “,” + matSort.direction) where matSort.active = exID,field1,field2,field3 and matSort.direction = asc. How do I get the backend to order by variable that it isn't present in the entity DTO that I return? And when the method I use from repository usa a nativequery?

    I tried to use JpaSort.unsafe but it get me a syntax error because somehow the query uses a reference table

    TableEx1 te
    te.CASE WHEN exID.id = 2 THEN 0 ELSE 1
    field1 asc,
    field2 asc,
    field3 asc

    And this is how it is until now:

    angular service function

    listSomething(page: MatPaginator, matSort: MatSort) {
    let params: HttParams = FormsUtil.generateParamsForPaginationWithSorting(page, matSort);
    return this.http.get<Page<ClassExample>>(${this.endpoint}/list-something, {params});


    static generateParamsForPaginationWithSorting(page: MatPaginator, matSort: MatSort): HttpParams {
    let params: HttpParams = this.generateParamsForPage(page);

    if (matSort != null && matSort.active != null) {
    const attribute = ['exID.id', 'exID.IDType', 'EXID.IDType'].find(field => matSort.active.includes(field));

    if (attribute) {
    params = params.append('orderByExID', attribute);

    params = params.append('sort', matSort.active + ',' + matSort.direction);
    return params;

    java spring function

    @GetMapping(“/list-something”) public Page<ClassExample> listOrder(Pageable page, String orderByExID) {
    return service.listOrder(page, orderByExID);

    // SERVICE:
    public Page<ClassExample> searchListOfSomething(Pageable page, String orderByExID) {
    page = createSortForExIDOrder(orderByExID, page);
    return repository.searchListOfSomething(page);

    private Pageable createSortForExIDOrder(String orderByExID, Pageable page) {
    if (orderByExID != null) {
    Sort sort = JpaSort.unsafe(Sort.Direction.ASC, "CASE WHEN " + orderByExID + " = 1 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END");
    sort = sort.and(paginacao.getSort());
    return PageRequest.of(page.getPageNumber(), page.getPageSize(), sort);
    return page;

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