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Nx generators with advanced Schematics templates

Discussão em 'Angular' iniciado por zohan99, Outubro 17, 2024 às 16:12.

  1. zohan99

    zohan99 Guest

    I'm trying to get my NX generator to generate some files with the generateFiles function. I have a template file for which I want to dinamically assign part of their name. File name __name@dasherize__-details.component.ts.template. Inside of it I have some code which is also dinamically assigned eg. <%= dasherize(name) %>-details.component.html.

    According to docs this is the way to do substitutions (except for the use of functions - could not find anything on that).

    After running nx g components --name GeneratorTesting --project ui-project I get the following result:

    CREATE libs/mes/skill-matrix/ui/src/lib/generator-testings/__name@dasherize__-details/__name@dasherize__-details.component.ts

    Inside the file (strings.)dasherize function is executed as expected (I get generator-testing-details.component.html), but for the file name I can't get it to work. I am updating the generators as the project went up a couple of major angular and nx versions so I know for a fact this used to work. What am I missing.

    I am on @nx/devkit v19.8.2

    I have tried looking at docs and searching for similar problem but can't seem to find it. If nothing else will help I will pass additional substitions to generateFiles(tree, absoluteTemplatePath, targetPath, substitutions);, but that is my last resort as I want to make as few changes to templates as possible and keep everything as simple as possible

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