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NG0100: ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError: with signals

Discussão em 'Angular' iniciado por Benoît Dumont, Outubro 17, 2024 às 10:53.

  1. I randomly have this error ( that I understand the importance of after research ) but I don't understand how to avoid it.

    I have an api service with a number Signals initially set to 0 that I update to +1 at each http query, and update -1 at each response/error

    showProgressBar = signal(0)

    public request( request: object ): Observable<any> {
    this.showProgressBar.update(t => t+1)
    return this.#_http.post<any>...


    and a simple componant that check the signals and display a loading animation on the screen when >0

    selector: 'app-api-loading',
    standalone: true,
    imports: [MatProgressBarModule],
    templateUrl: `
    @if ( _api.showProgressBar()>0 ) {
    <mat-progress-bar mode="query" class="bottomOfScreen"/>
    styleUrl: './api-loading.component.scss'
    export class ApiLoadingComponent {
    _api = inject(ApiService)


    I don't understand how I can have the control on when the signal is changed or not. I mean how can I prevent the signal to be change out of the lifecycle of the component to prevent this error ???

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