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MetisMenuJS sidebar not working properly (laravel+vujs) project

Discussão em 'Outras Linguagens' iniciado por Atiqur, Outubro 1, 2024 às 08:02.

  1. Atiqur

    Atiqur Guest

    I've purchases a theme from themeforest (https://themesbrand.com/minible/layouts/index.html). They use metisMenujs which work fine in HTML & bootstrap. But I am convert this to my vuejs application which backend is laravel.

    Problem is that the metismenu is not collapse properly. Though I have read the MetisMenuJs documentation (https://onokumus.github.io/metismenujs/) but can not find any solution. Need help of expert.

    main of vue js here is image of main vuejs code side bar component sidebar code and console error console error


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