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Memory Leak in Rxjs Map function to create new objects

Discussão em 'Angular' iniciado por Patola, Outubro 10, 2024 às 02:22.

  1. Patola

    Patola Guest

    I am using the Rxjs lib in Angular to get data from the backend and show it on a map. The message rate can be fast: 10 messages/sec. The backend data object is mapped, and a new MapAsset object is created progressively for each update by the MapAsset.fromAsset method (typically, one object is updated at a time).

    Please take a look at the memory snapshot of the system after running the application with updates for a few mins. The system has 21,000 items. But after a few mins amount of MapAsset object is close to 2 million. The system eventually ends up crashing.

    How do we fix this memory issue?

    const mapAssets$ = assets$
    map(assets => {
    return assets
    .map(asset => MapAsset.fromAsset(asset, transformMatrix));


    getAllAssetsPositionsInMeters(): Observable<Asset[]> {
    return this.store.select(state => state.assetListState.assetData)
    map(assets => Array.from(assets.values())),

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