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Losing reference to this in async function inside subscribe

Discussão em 'Angular' iniciado por Nessarose, Outubro 10, 2024 às 06:12.

  1. Nessarose

    Nessarose Guest

    I'm almost new to Angular and I'm really lost with the async and sync methods, await, observables, promises... I have a button that opens a modal window, reads a barcode and with the information of this barcode makes a request to the server and does something with the result. This is my code:

    The method called by the button:

    <button mat-fab [disabled]="!empleado" extended color="accent" (click)="scanearPlano()" class="mb-2">

    this.dialogInfoEscanenando = this.dialog.open(InfoEscaneandoComponent);
    this.dialogInfoEscanenando.afterClosed().subscribe((datosRecibidos) => {
    if (datosRecibidos) {
    //Obtenemos la info del código de barras
    if(datosRecibidos && datosRecibidos != ''){
    this.inputOf = datosRecibidos;

    async buscarOF(autoPlay: boolean){
    this.sinOf = false;
    this.partida = null;
    this.plano = null;
    this.inputPlano = '';

    const of = this.inputOf;
    const ordenFabricacion = await this.registroActividadService.getOrdenFabricacion(of);
    this.ordenFabricacion = ordenFabricacion;
    this.inputPedido = this.ordenFabricacion.partida.split("_")[0];
    this.inputPartida = this.ordenFabricacion.partida.split("_")[1];
    await this.buscarPartida(false);
    this.inputOf = this.ordenFabricacion.numero;
    this.plano = this.ordenFabricacion.articulo;
    this.inputPlano = this.ordenFabricacion.articulo.terminoBusqueda;
    alert("No se ha encontrado la OF " +of);
    }catch (err){
    if (err instanceof Error) {
    this.showError("Error al intentar acceder a los datos. " + err.name, err.message);
    } else {
    this.showError("Error inesperado.", "Ha ocurrido un error desconocido.");
    this.ordenFabricacion = null;
    this.inputPedido = '';
    this.inputPartida = '';
    this.partida = null;
    this.inputPlano = '';
    this.plano = null;

    As you can see buscarOf is an async method. This is because it is making some requests to the server and I have to use await with them because I have to wait for its results to continue.

    My problem is that inside buscarOf, the reference to this is lost, it is undefined. If I call a not async method inside the afterClosed subscribe, this is defined, so I assume that the problem is with async methods.

    As I want you to have all the information about my code to try to guide me on the right way, this is how I make the server request:

    public async getOrdenFabricacion(numero: string): Promise<OrdenFabricacion>{
    let queryParams = new HttpParams().append("numero", numero);
    return await firstValueFrom(this.http.get<OrdenFabricacion>(this.getOrdenFabricacionUrl, { params: queryParams }));

    I have tried to bind this to both methods, but it hasn't worked:

    this.scanearPlano = this.scanearPlano.bind(this);
    this.buscarOF = this.buscarOF.bind(this);

    I wish someone can help me. Thanks!!

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