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Livewire not rendering slots

Discussão em 'Outras Linguagens' iniciado por Donny van V, Outubro 9, 2024 às 09:12.

  1. Donny van V

    Donny van V Guest

    I'm trying to create a table and make the actions column flexible. I thought it is handy to use a slot for the actions so I can change it whenever the actions change. So my goal basically:

    Some data here

    In the overview, I got a empty page with just the slot I want to render:

    Render the slot here: -> {{$slotName}} <-

    Running this template, causes the error Undefined variable $slotName.

    I decided to go back to basics and changed the overview.blade.php with just the default slot:

    Render the slot here: -> {{$slot}} <-

    Then render the template as:

    My slot will be placed here

    Also this gives me a error: Undefined variable $slot

    What am I missing, what is it that I'm not seeing?

    Continue reading...

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