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Livewire Js Code cleanup issue. Same code run twice when I back to the page from others

Discussão em 'Outras Linguagens' iniciado por T. Ikbal, Outubro 6, 2024 às 08:32.

  1. T. Ikbal

    T. Ikbal Guest

    Hope you guys are doing well.

    I was working with a chat application when I faced an issue with cleanup js on Livewire. I was navigating from one friend's inbox to another friend's with wire:navigate so code creates multiple instances for one inbox.

    Example: Chat A is chatting with Chat B and Chat C. So, In the Chat A dashboard there have 2 inboxes B and C. When B messages everything okay and When C message and Chat A goes to check the C inbox Was good, But when B did send another message and A was back to B's inbox the message was duplicated. When do page reloads and start working fine.

    Now, when they go to C inbox and Then again back to B inbox now one message repeats 3 times because there 3 instance created for echo listeners on the same inbox.

    The problem is when I navigate to inbox livewire doesn't do cleanup and when I back it execute my js code again.

    Sorry, Maybe I am a bad explainer. IF you have time and have questions please ask me.


    Echo.private('messages.' + {{ $inbox->id }})
    .listen('MessageSent', (e) => {
    let message = document.createElement('div');
    let text = document.createElement('p');
    text.textContent = e.message.message;

    if (e.message.sender_id === {{ auth()->id() }}) {
    message.classList.add('max-w-[80%]', 'md:max-w-[75%]', 'lg:max-w-[70%]', 'self-end', 'p-3', 'rounded-[10px]', 'border-[1px]', 'border-gray-200', 'bg-blue-500', 'text-white');
    } else {
    message.classList.add('max-w-[80%]', 'md:max-w-[75%]', 'lg:max-w-[70%]', 'p-3', 'rounded-[10px]', 'border-[1px]', 'border-gray-200', 'self-start')
    document.getElementById('inbox-{{ $inbox->id }}').appendChild(message);
    let chatBox = document.getElementById('chat-box')
    chatBox.scrollTo(0, chatBox.scrollHeight)
    .listen('MessageTyping', function (e) {
    const typingEl = document.getElementById('chat-typing')
    if (e.typing) {
    } else {
    let chatBox = document.getElementById('chat-box')
    chatBox.scrollTo(0, chatBox.scrollHeight)

    I have tried this:

    const channel = setTimeout(() => {
    Echo.private('messages.' + {{ $inbox->id }})
    .listen('MessageSent', (e) => {
    let message = document.createElement('div');
    let text = document.createElement('p');
    text.textContent = e.message.message;

    if (e.message.sender_id === {{ auth()->id() }}) {
    message.classList.add('max-w-[80%]', 'md:max-w-[75%]', 'lg:max-w-[70%]', 'self-end', 'p-3', 'rounded-[10px]', 'border-[1px]', 'border-gray-200', 'bg-blue-500', 'text-white');
    } else {
    message.classList.add('max-w-[80%]', 'md:max-w-[75%]', 'lg:max-w-[70%]', 'p-3', 'rounded-[10px]', 'border-[1px]', 'border-gray-200', 'self-start')
    document.getElementById('inbox-{{ $inbox->id }}').appendChild(message);
    let chatBox = document.getElementById('chat-box')
    chatBox.scrollTo(0, chatBox.scrollHeight)
    .listen('MessageTyping', function (e) {
    const typingEl = document.getElementById('chat-typing')
    if (e.typing) {
    } else {
    let chatBox = document.getElementById('chat-box')
    chatBox.scrollTo(0, chatBox.scrollHeight)
    }, 10)

    Livewire.hook('component.init', ({component, cleanup}) => {
    if (component.name !== 'chat.messages'){

    //I have already try the Echo code here and also did Echo.leaveChannel() on cleanup result was terrible maybe my code was wrong.

    cleanup(() => {
    //Echo.leaveChannel This is also not working.

    Continue reading...

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