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Laravel Eloquent Order By Coalesce

Discussão em 'Outras Linguagens' iniciado por Tehcheatah, Outubro 7, 2024 às 09:22.

  1. Tehcheatah

    Tehcheatah Guest

    I am having issues using a coalesce inside an orderby to order on 2 relationship columns. Here is the code in question:

    $productList = Product::select(

    if ($this->search){
    $productList = $productList->where('ItemName', 'LIKE','%'.str_replace(" ", "%", $this->search).'%');

    if ($this->category){
    $productList = $productList->where('U_SDB_SALES_GROUP',$this->category);

    // Handle the order by. It is done like this because of the pagination
    if ($this->orderBy == 'ItemNameASC'){
    $productList = $productList->with('customerSpecialPrice','bandAPrice','itemStock','itemsPurchased8Weeks')
    } elseif ($this->orderBy == 'ItemNameDESC'){
    $productList = $productList->with('customerSpecialPrice','bandAPrice','itemStock','itemsPurchased8Weeks')
    ->orderBy('ItemName', 'desc');
    } elseif ($this->orderBy == 'PriceASC'){
    $productList = $productList->with('itemStock','itemsPurchased8Weeks')
    ->withAggregate('bandAPrice', 'Price')
    ->withAggregate('customerSpecialPrice', 'Price')->orderByRaw("COALESCE(customer_special_price_price, band_a_price_price)");

    $productList = $productList->paginate($this->perPage);

    This is for product browsing. Every item has a Band A price (default sell out price). There is another table that has our quoted products which means that there isn't always a special price for every item.

    Now, if I do: ->orderBy("customer_special_price_price"); , This works to an extent. All of the special prices are in order but at the end of the list (due to null being pulled first). This is why I am wanting to use a COALESCE.

    Errors I have gotten: When trying: ->orderByRaw("COALESCE(customer_special_price_price, band_a_price_price)");, it gives me the error Invalid column name 'customer_special_price_price'.

    Below is the query it is trying to run when it shows this error:

    top 20 [ ItemName ],
    [ ItemCode ],
    [ QryGroup64 ],
    [ U_SDB_Image_File ],
    top 1 Price
    [ ITM1 ]
    [ OITM ].[ ItemCode ] = [ ITM1 ].[ ItemCode ]
    and [ PriceList ] = 25
    ) as [ band_a_price_price ],
    top 1 Price
    [ OSPP ]
    [ OITM ].[ ItemCode ] = [ OSPP ].[ ItemCode ]
    and [ CardCode ] = CF000097 - F
    ) as [ customer_special_price_price ]
    [ OITM ]
    SellItem = 'Y'
    AND (
    QryGroup64 = 'N'
    OR OnHand > 0
    and [ ItemName ] LIKE % carling %
    order by
    COALESCE(customer_special_price_price, band_a_price_price)

    Why is orderBy picking up the column created via the withAggregate but the orderByRaw isnt?

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