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How to use 2 inputs inside mat-form-field Angular Material with separately focus?

Discussão em 'Angular' iniciado por Z.Mg, Outubro 3, 2024 às 10:22.

  1. Z.Mg

    Z.Mg Guest

    I have 2 inputs into one mat-form-field.


    My issue is, when I click on second Input, the focus is automatically placed on the first input, I do not want to go to the first input. Could you please help me to solve this problem?

    html file is:

    <div class="range-mat-input" [class]="field.gridCssClass">
    <label *ngIf="field.label">{{field.label}}</label>
    <div class="input-part">
    <mat-form-field class="double-input-field" [formGroup]="form">
    <div class="inputs-container">
    <span *ngIf="field.prefixLabelFrom">{{ field.prefixLabelFrom }}</span>
    <input appAutocompleteOff matInput
    formControlName="{{ field.key + '_from' }}"
    [id]="field.key + '_from'"
    type="{{ field.type }}"

    <span *ngIf="field.prefixLabelTo">{{ field.prefixLabelTo }}</span>
    <span *ngIf="field.suffixLabelFrom">{{ field.suffixLabelFrom }}</span>

    <input appAutocompleteOff matInput
    formControlName="{{ field.key + '_to' }}"
    [id]="field.key+ '_to'"

    <span *ngIf="field.suffixLabelTo">{{ field.suffixLabelTo }}</span>

    <ng-container *ngFor="let validation of field.validators;" ngProjectAs="mat-error">
    <mat-error *ngIf="form.get(field.key)?.hasError(validation.name)">{{validation.message}}</mat-error>


    I try to make one mat-form-field with 2 inputs and separately focus. But the focus goes only to first input by clicking on second Input. I expect to solve this issue.

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