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How to support multiple languages in an Angular project using only official libraries

Discussão em 'Angular' iniciado por Ward Zidani, Outubro 16, 2024 às 09:02.

  1. Ward Zidani

    Ward Zidani Guest

    I am fairly new to frontend web programming, and especially new to Angular. I have an Angular project that is written in a certain language (English), I now want to have it available in other languages, but the i18n library creates separate builds (e.g.: dist/en, dist/pt, etc.) for each language. How do I add support for multiple languages while having 1 single build and per my company's rules, only official libraries, no 3rd party ones like "ngx-translate"?

    I have tried i18n but it produces separate outputs, I need it all to be hosted on one site.

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