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How to stream a pdf by rest api in laravel 10

Discussão em 'Outras Linguagens' iniciado por FR Ranad, Outubro 9, 2024 às 09:12.

  1. FR Ranad

    FR Ranad Guest

    This code give me 200 but did not stream generated pdf file.. I want to generate a invoice as pdf format and steam on browser but it didn't work.


    namespace App\Http\Traits;
    use App\Models\Settings\POSSetting;
    use Barryvdh\DomPDF\Facade\Pdf;
    trait InvoiceTrait
    protected function handleInvoice($request, $resource = null, $action, $name)
    // Fetch the POS settings and invoice template
    $posSetting = POSSetting::first();

    // Generate dynamic invoice data
    $invoice = $this->generateInvoiceData($request, $resource);

    if ($request->has('for') && $request->for == 'pos') {
    if ($posSetting->invoice_of_pos == 'Thermal') $invoiceBody = $posSetting->thermal_invoice;
    if ($posSetting->invoice_of_pos == 'A4') $invoiceBody = $posSetting->a4_invoice;
    if ($request->has('for') && $request->for == 'inventory') {
    if ($posSetting->invoice_of_inventory == 'Thermal') $invoiceBody = $posSetting->thermal_invoice;
    if ($posSetting->invoice_of_inventory == 'A4') $invoiceBody = $posSetting->a4_invoice;

    // Replace the placeholders in the invoice body with actual data
    $invoice = $this->replacePlaceholders($invoiceBody, $invoic`your text`e);

    $pdf = Pdf::loadHTML($invoice)->setPaper('a4', 'portrait');

    return $pdf->stream('invoice.pdf')
    ->header('Content-Type', 'application/pdf')
    ->header('Content-Disposition', 'inline; filename="invoice.pdf"');

    Output : Headers General Headers Response

    I need this kind of response

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