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How to prevent ngbTooltip from disappearing on click

Discussão em 'Angular' iniciado por firepotato, Outubro 3, 2024 às 11:02.

  1. firepotato

    firepotato Guest

    I'm trying to implement a copy to clipboard button that shows a tooltip on hover.

    When I hover over the button for the first time, it should show the tooltip "Copy" and if I click on the button, the tooltip should become "Copied!" without disappearing.

    I'm not able to implement this behavior as the tooltip closes once I click on the button, and I need to mouseout from the button and then hover over it again to see the "Copied!" tooltip. My guess is that it's because clicking on the button triggers the mouseout event, so the tooltip thinks that I have left the button element, but I have no idea how to overwrite this behavior.

    My code:


    <button type="button" (click)="copy()"
    triggers="hover focus"


    import { Clipboard } from '@angular/cdk/clipboard';

    export class CopyButtonComponent {
    tooltipText = 'Copy';

    constructor(private clipboard: Clipboard) {}

    copy(): void {
    this.tooltipText = 'Copied!';

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