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How to move script files from index.html to angular.json

Discussão em 'Angular' iniciado por Katana24, Outubro 3, 2024 às 18:02.

  1. Katana24

    Katana24 Guest

    I've been tasked with moving some script files in our index.html out; my options are, apparently, either package.json via npm or into the angular.json; I've opted for the later as we have very specific versions of some files.

    As it stands, all the files are located in a folder called lib:

    • src/main/app/js/lib/*.js

    The files are things like jquery, underscore, moment etc (this is an application that was once angularjs, hence the addition of jquery yester-year) and are very specific versions that the team want to keep.

    I added the jquery entries only to the scripts portion of the angular.json as a proof of concept but this breaks the application (the ui is messed up but there is no console error).


    So what's the problem here?

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