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How to handle asynchronous operations with in an NgRx Effect?

Discussão em 'Angular' iniciado por user28273827332, Setembro 10, 2024.

  1. I have an ngrx effect function that initially looks like

    importItems$ = createEffect(() => this.actions$.pipe(
    mergeMap(() => this.itemService.getItems().pipe(
    map((_) => {
    let validItems:any
    let invalidItems:any
    var helper = new Helper()
    // async operations
    validItems = helper.loadValidItems().then((res) => validitem = res)
    invalidItems = helper.loadInalidItems().then((res) => invaliditem = res)
    // save to reducer
    return ItemActions.loadItemsSuccess({validItems,invalidItems})


    the problem is that


    operations are async, it needs to search a xlsx file which takes time.

    The problem is that if i run this code, i get:

    return ItemActions.loadItemsSuccess({validItems,invalidItems})



    values, because

    validItems = helper.loadValidItems().then((res) => validitem = res)
    invalidItems = helper.loadInalidItems().then((res) => invaliditem = res)

    take some time and are finished after return functions. So i used Promise all

    validItems = helper.loadValidItems().then((res) => validitem = res)
    invalidItems = helper.loadInalidItems().then((res) => invaliditem = res)
    ]).then(() => {
    return ItemActions.loadItemsSuccess({validItems,invalidItems})

    but now it doesnt work. How to solve this problem?

    I figured out, that there cant be return function inside promise all method, but i need somehow to wait for two async operations to end, then take their data, and then set them in reducer.

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