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How to fix bad file descriptor error on laravel?

Discussão em 'Outras Linguagens' iniciado por Rafa Acioly, Outubro 3, 2024 às 21:42.

  1. Rafa Acioly

    Rafa Acioly Guest

    When accessing my Laravel application the following error shows up:

    fwrite(): Write of 4278 bytes failed with errno=9 Bad file descriptor

    I've tried the following options:

    • chmod -R 775 storage bootstrap/cache
    • php artisan config:clear/view:clear/cache:clear
    • php artisan storage:link
    • composer update

    My PHP version is 8.3.12 and Laravel 11.26.0.

    This error appear when the public/index.php is called and reach this line:

    $response = $kernel->handle(

    $request = Request::capture()


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