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How manage 3rd party libraries while creating angular libraries

Discussão em 'Angular' iniciado por Muhammad Mudassir, Setembro 28, 2024 às 07:23.

  1. I have been building multiple libraries in angular, say X, Y & Z. And they will be loaded in the main app. These different libraries can have different node modules depending on the feature of the libraries, let say X uses highcart lib to show carts, whereas Y has ngx-avatar lib used for showing profile images in some components.

    So how and where should these node modules be added, I mean they should be added in the package.json of each lib where they are used. Or all of them should loaded in the main app package.json.

    I want to follow good practices for such an app structure. Moreover, I need something like if common modules that are used by all the libs and app can be placed in the app, and other lib-based modules are defined with that lib.

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