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How can RxMethods be reused in SignalStore

Discussão em 'Angular' iniciado por royneedshelp, Outubro 17, 2024 às 08:34.

  1. royneedshelp

    royneedshelp Guest

    I am using ngrx/SignalStore to manage my state for a page containing a number of components. I provide the store on the route to this page.

    By doing this I am able to use ngrx/router-store to retrieve the id of the item I'm displaying and initiate the load of the data from within the Store

    onInit(store, store = inject(Store<State>)) {
    const id$ = store.select(selectRouteParam('id')).pipe(
    map((id) => (id ? parseInt(id) : null)),
    filter((id) => !!id),

    My load method combines data from a number of sources but is basically:

    const load = rxMethod<number>(
    switchMap((id: number) => myAPIService.getById(id).pipe(tapResponse({next:....

    I want to create other methods in the store to perform deletesById and updatesById. These will also be RxMethods and call APIs to do the updates. Following the API calls I want the state to refresh, essentially by calling load again (I don't have the new state locally to just update it without the API call - things like last updated timestamps) .

    Would it be an antipattern to call an RxMethod from a tap operator in another rxMethod? It doesn't feel right but not sure how else I can re-use all my logic in load?

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