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How can I inform my user if a GraphQLWsLink is disconnected?

Discussão em 'Angular' iniciado por Hugo Fernandes, Novembro 5, 2024 às 13:32.

  1. I have multiple subscriptions in my angular app in a service like this:

    getNewHouses(name: String): Observable<Partial<House>[] | void> {
    return this.apollo.subscribe<{ onNewHouses: RemoteHouse[] }>({
    query: newHousesSubscription,
    fetchPolicy: "no-cache",
    variables: {
    name: name,
    }).pipe(map((result) => {
    console.log("onNewHouses", result);
    if (result.data) {
    return result.data.onNewHouses.map(House.partialFromRemote);
    }), catchError(this.errorHandler.catchGraphQLErrors));

    And this on my GraphQLWsLink:

    on: {
    connected: (socket) => {
    console.log('Connected to websocket');
    this.maxRetries = 20;
    this.retryLock = false;
    activeSocket = socket as WebSocket;
    ping: (received) => {
    if (!received)
    // sent
    timedOut = window.setTimeout(() => {
    if (activeSocket.readyState === WebSocket.OPEN) {
    console.log('Closing websocket due to timeout');
    activeSocket.close(4408, 'Request Timeout');
    }, 5000); // wait 5 seconds for the pong and then close the connection
    pong: (received) => {
    if (received) clearTimeout(timedOut);// pong is received, clear connection close timeout

    How can I inform my user that the websocket is timed out? I would like to use the subscribe on the service and maintain my architecture. I would like to know if I can for example send a message into my subscribers like "closed" or an error while the retries of the websocket are going. So I can display a message to my users. Any help would be appreciated!

    In the meanwhile I made a service that's like this:

    import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; import {BehaviorSubject} from "rxjs";

    providedIn: 'root'
    export class WebsocketStateManager {

    public websocketStateSubject = new BehaviorSubject<boolean>(true);
    constructor() { }

    * Updates the websocket state to the provided boolean, true for connected, false for disconnected
    * @param state boolean value to update the websocket state
    updateWebsocketState(state: boolean) {


    And I would call it inside the setTimeout, the thing is this is only working because I only have 1 Websocket connection if I had two this service would act like a singleton. I would like to send something like an error to the Observable and then if get that error I would show the user a message, then if with the retries the websocket starts working again I would hide it.

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