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How Angular Export to Excel with formatting cell?

Discussão em 'Angular' iniciado por 0917237, Outubro 1, 2024 às 03:42.

  1. 0917237

    0917237 Guest

    My Excel Service with method exportAsExcelFile:

    public exportAsExcelFile(json: any[], excelFileName: string): void {
    const worksheet: XLSX.WorkSheet = XLSX.utils.json_to_sheet(json);
    const workbook: XLSX.WorkBook = { Sheets: { 'data': worksheet }, SheetNames: ['data'] };
    const excelBuffer: any = XLSX.write(workbook, { bookType: 'xls', type: 'array' });
    this.saveAsExcelFile(excelBuffer, excelFileName);

    private saveAsExcelFile(buffer: any, fileName: string): void {
    const data: Blob = new Blob([buffer], {type: EXCEL_TYPE});
    FileSaver.saveAs(data, fileName + '_' + new Date().getTime() + EXCEL_EXTENSION);

    my Component with method exportDataToExcel() :

    dataToExport: any = [];
    exportFileName: string = "TRANSACTION_HISTORY_REPORT";


    (data) => {

    data.forEach((data, index) => {

    no: index + 1,
    total_item_sold: data.detailItem.length,
    total_price: data.totalPrice,


    if(this.dataToExport.length > 0){
    if(this.exportFileName == "") this.exportFileName = "default";


    How to Export that json total_price with formatting Accounting cell in Excel?

    Continue reading...

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