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Horizon jobs stuck after Laravel 11 upgrade

Discussão em 'Outras Linguagens' iniciado por InS0mN1aC, Outubro 10, 2024 às 09:32.

  1. InS0mN1aC

    InS0mN1aC Guest

    We have Horizon configured with redis, on a different connection than the cache. Recently we updgraded from Laravel 10 to 11. All jobs that were previously scheduled with Laravel 10 did not run with Laravel 11 and are stuck in the pending section. New jobs run fine.

    We checked that new jobs are written in the correct redis, with the same prefix, only discrepancy found was on the delay.dumpDateProperties.timezone. Old jobs have: "timezone":"O:21:"Carbon\CarbonTimeZone":2:{s:13:"timezone_type";i:3;s:8:"timezone";s:3:"UTC";}" and new ones just "timezone": "UTC". We tried to manually change it directly in redis with HSET, but stil job did not run.

    Finally horizon does not really provide a way to manually run a pending job.

    Any ideas would be much appreciated!

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