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Having issues trying to add a new page/component to a angular system

Discussão em 'Angular' iniciado por awaky, Outubro 3, 2024 às 11:02.

  1. awaky

    awaky Guest

    Hi this is my first time doing maintence in a angular system and trying to build things on it and im trying to add a new page to the system to implement some bots on it that part its not that important but im having a hard time trying to do this new page [when i try to do the sudo ng build --configuration production it goes well untill i get a very very long list of errors ][1] that im not knowing how to treat cus no one has done changes except for this new component and the system is on the air right now, people are using it and no one is complaining so..... im kinda in a dead end right i have checked the code from the component files again

    bots.component.html bots.component.scss bots.component.spec.ts bots.component.ts bots.module.ts bots-routing.module.ts

    theese are the files inside the component [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/3QTq8AlD.png

    https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SYoNAI9m2V0IOKT9kg8CEteNydByTiVu/view?usp=sharing i attatched a gdrive link to a file that contains the error log i can share code too but if someone got any ideias on how to solve this

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