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Google places autocomplete not loading

Discussão em 'Angular' iniciado por youshea, Outubro 9, 2024 às 08:22.

  1. youshea

    youshea Guest

    We are working on an angular project that uses the google places autocomplete to search addresses in the US. We have included the google places library in the index.html file. It was working as expected but lately the team has been facing an issue where the autocomplete component would not load and when the user clicks in to type an address it would show the following error

    This page can't load Google Maps

    Below is the code for reference


    <div fxLayout="row" fxFlex>
    <div fxLayout="row" fxLayoutAlign="start center" class="add-search-input-container">
    <mat-icon matPrefix style="color: #757575;">search</mat-icon>
    <input [disabled]="googleForm.disabled" id="addressGooglePlaces-addressAutocomplete" matInput
    placeholder="Search address here or enter below" [(ngModel)]="autocompleteInput" #addresstext
    style="margin-left: 6px;">
    <button id="addressGooglePlaces-null-btn" style="display: none;"></button>


    private getPlaceAutocomplete() {
    const center = { lat: this.latitude, lng: this.longitude };

    const defaultBounds = {
    north: center.lat + this.radius,
    south: center.lat - this.radius,
    east: center.lng + this.radius,
    west: center.lng - this.radius,

    if (this.restrictAddressSearchToServiceableCitiesAndStates) { // this is to show the all USA address in search bar

    const autocomplete: any = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(this.addresstext?.nativeElement,
    fields: ["address_components", "formatted_address"],
    types: [this.adressType] // 'establishment' / 'address' / 'geocode'

    google.maps.event.addListener(autocomplete, 'place_changed', () => {
    this.place = autocomplete.getPlace();
    this.checked = true;
    else {
    const autocomplete: any = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(this.addresstext?.nativeElement,
    bounds: defaultBounds,
    strictBounds: true,
    // componentRestrictions: { country: 'US' },
    fields: ["address_components", "formatted_address"],
    types: [this.adressType] // 'establishment' / 'address' / 'geocode'

    if (this.restrictToCountries !== "") {
    country: [this.restrictToCountries],

    google.maps.event.addListener(autocomplete, 'place_changed', () => {
    this.place = autocomplete.getPlace();
    this.checked = true;

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