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[Flutter] Using generics to create reusable Widget which can use different Instances of same...

Discussão em 'Mobile' iniciado por Stack, Novembro 13, 2024.

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    i am completely new to generics and I am struggling to get this running.

    I want to create a Reusable Page with a BlocProvider. I am creating multiple Instances of one Bloc to save code using mixins on the Bloc like this:

    mixin ServiceAssistantBloc on Bloc<CustomerAssistantEvent, CustomerAssistantState> {}
    mixin EmergencyAssistantBloc on Bloc<CustomerAssistantEvent, CustomerAssistantState> {}
    mixin FixAssistantBloc on Bloc<CustomerAssistantEvent, CustomerAssistantState> {}

    Two Pages down the Widget Tree there is said Page. Now how can i set up the BlocBuilder for it to know which Bloc has been provided and use it?

    I am trying to follow this:

    Named BlocProvider to use the same Bloc implementation multiple times in the same widget

    Now if I try to use the BlocBuilder as mentioned above. I get the error that the bloc has not been provided and the app crashes.

    class CustomerAssistantChecklist<T extends Bloc<CustomerAssistantEvent, CustomerAssistantState>> extends StatelessWidget {

    final dynamic selectedCustomer;
    const CustomerAssistantChecklist({super.key, required this.selectedCustomer});

    Widget build(BuildContext context) {

    return Scaffold(
    appBar: AppBar(
    title: ListTile(
    title: CustomerFullNameDetails(customer: selectedCustomer),
    subtitle: CustomerAddressDetails(customer: selectedCustomer),
    body: BlocBuilder<T, CustomerAssistantState>(
    builder: (context, state) {
    List<Widget> checkListCards = [];
    int index = 0;
    while (index < state.customerTaskList.length) {
    checkListCards.add(checkListCard(state: state, index: index, context: context));

    return ListView(
    children: [

    I provide the Blocs using the mixins like this:

    return MultiBlocProvider(
    providers: [
    create: (context) => CustomerAssistantBloc(
    customerId: selectedServiceClient.id))),
    create: (context) => CustomerAssistantBloc(
    customerId: selectedServiceClient.id))),
    create: (context) => CustomerAssistantBloc(
    customerId: selectedServiceClient.id))),
    child: const ServiceClientDetailHomeView(),

    and the blocs value is being provided like this while navigating:

    return MaterialPage<void>(
    child: BlocProvider.value(
    value: BlocProvider.of<ServiceAssistantBloc>(context),
    child: CustomerAssistantChecklist(

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