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[Flutter] Private variables giving the warning not in use try removing the variable

Discussão em 'Mobile' iniciado por Stack, Outubro 13, 2024 às 07:33.

  1. Stack

    Stack Membro Participativo

    I recently started learning Dart and come accross this warning in Dart pad. I don't why this warning is thrown. Can any body explain what is going on here. I have attaced the screenshot.enter image description here

    I didn't expected the warning as the _name variable is in use in the constructer for setting tbe value.


    void main() {
    final ani = Animal('Tiger', 23);
    ani.setName = 'Tiggerr';

    class Animal {
    String _name;
    final int age;

    Animal(this._name, this.age) {
    print('hello from constructer');

    set setName(String newName){
    _name = newName;

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