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[Flutter] Pod Player Quality Change Issue

Discussão em 'Mobile' iniciado por Stack, Setembro 11, 2024 às 11:02.

  1. Stack

    Stack Membro Participativo

    I have added Pod Player Plugin as dependency for playing youtube live videos in my flutter app.I am not satisfied with youtube player and iframe plugin, because of I used Pod player.I am satisfied with all features other than its quality change option on it. When tapping quality change option it always shows 360p only.But its documentation shows that we can change the quality upto 1080p.

    I tried several ways to correct it.

    playerController = PodPlayerController(
    playVideoFrom: PlayVideoFrom.youtube('A3ltMaM6noM', live: false),
    podPlayerConfig: const PodPlayerConfig(
    autoPlay: true,
    isLooping: false,
    videoQualityPriority: [1080, 720, 360]),

    • I have changed the videoQualityPriority option with several quality option like above,But no result(always shows 360p)



    • I have tried by changing video format with live and non-live Youtube video urls, but this also not effective

    full code,

    import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
    import 'package:pod_player/pod_player.dart';

    class PodPlayerScreen extends StatelessWidget {

    Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    late PodPlayerController playerController;

    playerController = PodPlayerController(
    playVideoFrom: PlayVideoFrom.youtube('A3ltMaM6noM', live: false),
    podPlayerConfig: const PodPlayerConfig(
    autoPlay: true,
    isLooping: false,
    videoQualityPriority: [1080, 720, 360]),
    return Scaffold(
    body: SafeArea(
    child: PodVideoPlayer(
    controller: playerController,
    podPlayerLabels: const PodPlayerLabels(
    play: "Play label customized",
    pause: "Pause label customized",

    Please any one help me to acheive this. Advancely Sorry for my bad english

    nb:Is there any alternative for PodPlayer with better features(otherthan Splayer, beacuse i tried that, it not has quality change option) please suggest me.

    flutter & dart -> latest version,

    Pod Player Plugin -> 0.2.2,

    Testing app-> Real device, Android 14

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