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[Flutter] Is there a way to remove share option and account logo on youtube_player_iframe

Discussão em 'Mobile' iniciado por Stack, Setembro 27, 2024 às 17:13.

  1. Stack

    Stack Membro Participativo

    The video player works but then you are not allowed to get the shareable link or add the link to your own youtube list. I want the option to share or view video in youtube gone

    _youtubePlayerController = YoutubePlayerController.fromVideoId(
    videoId: YoutubePlayerController.convertUrlToId(widget.videoUrl)!,
    autoPlay: false,
    params: YoutubePlayerParams(
    pointerEvents: PointerEvents.none,
    showControls: false,
    showVideoAnnotations: false,
    enableCaption: false,
    showFullscreenButton: false),

    I removed the controls and used the YoutubeValueBuilder. This takes away the option to share or copy the link. There is a issue with the fullscreen.When the controls are enabled it works perfect. Is there a diffrent way of removing just the share and account logo

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