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[Flutter] Flutter SDK Version Conflict with image_cropper Package Dependency

Discussão em 'Mobile' iniciado por Stack, Setembro 28, 2024 às 18:23.

  1. Stack

    Stack Membro Participativo

    The issue at hand is a Flutter SDK version conflict affecting the project's dependency resolution. The current Flutter SDK version (3.19.0) is incompatible with the required version for the image_cropper package chain. Specifically, the project depends on image_cropper ^8.0.2, which in turn requires image_cropper_for_web ^6.0.2. However, image_cropper_for_web 6.0.2 necessitates a Flutter SDK version of 3.22.0 or higher. This mismatch in version requirements has resulted in a failure to resolve dependencies, effectively blocking the project from being built or run with the current configuration. The error message suggests two potential solutions: upgrading the Flutter SDK to version 3.24.3 or later, or alternatively, downgrading the image_cropper dependency to version 8.0.1. This version conflict highlights the challenges of maintaining compatibility across different package versions in a Flutter project and underscores the importance of careful version management in dependency ecosystems.

    Image of Error

    I tried changing environment SDK to sdk: ">=3.22.0 <4.0.0"

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