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[Flutter] Firebase - flutterfire configure not working (Timeout Exception)

Discussão em 'Mobile' iniciado por Stack, Setembro 10, 2024.

  1. Stack

    Stack Membro Participativo

    I am working on connecting my new Flutter project with Firebase. I have successfully executed the 'firebase login' and 'dart pub global activate flutterfire_cli' commands. However, I am facing an issue while running the 'flutterfire configure' command. It keeps showing a timeout exception every time I try to run it. I need some help to resolve this error.

    This is what it shows after running flutterfire configure

    TimeoutException after 0:00:15.000000: Future not completed

    I have already tried firebase logout, firebase login to relogin and also tried firebase login --reauth commands as well. And also a deferent internet connection too.

    Furthermore, this is not my first flutter app to try Firebase. I already had two Flutter projects connected to Firebase (I have deleted one to confirm that there is no limitation issue), and broth worked really well. This is my third app to try.

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