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[Flutter] Could not find the correct Provider<> above this BlocListener<, > Widget

Discussão em 'Mobile' iniciado por Stack, Novembro 4, 2024 às 03:22.

  1. Stack

    Stack Membro Participativo

    I'm encountering the following error in my Flutter application: Error: Could not find the correct Provider<SettingsBloc> above this BlocListener<SettingsBloc, SettingsState> Widget.

    I'm using the GetIt and Injectable packages for dependency injection. Below are the relevant parts of my code:


    class SettingsBloc extends HydratedBloc<SettingsEvent, SettingsState> {
    // Bloc implementation


    class SettingsPage extends StatelessWidget {
    const SettingsPage({super.key});

    Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return BlocListener<SettingsBloc, SettingsState>(
    listenWhen: (previous, current) => previous.locale != current.locale,
    listener: (context, state) => context.setLocale(state.locale),
    child: BlocBuilder<SettingsBloc, SettingsState>(
    builder: (context, state) {
    return Scaffold();


    path: '/tools',
    pageBuilder: (context, state) => CustomTransitionPage(
    key: state.pageKey,
    child: ToolsPage(),
    transitionsBuilder: (context, animation, secondaryAnimation, child) =>
    animation: animation,
    secondaryAnimation: secondaryAnimation,
    child: child,
    routes: [
    path: 'settings',
    pageBuilder: (context, state) => CustomTransitionPage(
    key: state.pageKey,
    child: BlocProvider.value(
    value: getIt<SettingsBloc>(),
    child: const SettingsPage(),
    transitionsBuilder: (context, primaryAnimation, secondaryAnimation, child) =>
    animation: primaryAnimation,
    secondaryAnimation: secondaryAnimation,
    child: child,
    routes: [
    path: 'theme_selection',
    pageBuilder: (context, state) => CustomTransitionPage(
    key: state.pageKey,
    child: const ThemeSelectionPage(),
    transitionsBuilder: (context, animation, secondaryAnimation, child) =>
    animation: animation,
    secondaryAnimation: secondaryAnimation,
    child: child,


    extension GetItInjectableX on GetIt {
    GetIt init({
    String? environment,
    EnvironmentFilter? environmentFilter,
    }) {
    final gh = GetItHelper(
    final injectableModule = _$InjectableModule();
    gh.factory<FirebaseAuth>(() => injectableModule.firebaseAuth);
    gh.factory<GoogleSignIn>(() => injectableModule.googleSignIn);
    gh.singleton<Logger>(() => injectableModule.logger);
    gh.singleton<NotificationService>(() => injectableModule.notificationService);
    gh.lazySingleton<SettingsBloc>(() => SettingsBloc());
    // Other dependencies...
    return this;

    class _$InjectableModule extends InjectableModule {}


    When navigating to the SettingsPage, I receive the error stating that the Provider<SettingsBloc> cannot be found above the BlocListener. I've ensured that SettingsBloc is registered as a lazySingleton in GetIt and provided it using BlocProvider.value in the router.


    What could be causing the Provider<SettingsBloc> not to be found above the BlocListener, and how can I resolve this issue to ensure that SettingsBloc is properly provided to the SettingsPage?

    I attempted to wrap the MaterialApp.router() with a MultiBlocProvider and include SettingsBloc as one of the providers. Here is the code snippet:

    Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MultiBlocProvider(
    providers: [
    BlocProvider(create: (_) => getIt<AuthBloc>()),
    BlocProvider(create: (_) => SettingsBloc()),
    child: MaterialApp.router(
    // ... other configurations

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