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Empty dropdown selected value

Discussão em 'Angular' iniciado por Artem P., Setembro 27, 2024 às 23:42.

  1. Artem P.

    Artem P. Guest

    I'm using Angular5 and primeng library. Particularly, I have problem with p-dropdown. I have one big entity - Consignment - with many fields, I open page with this saved object. And several p-dropdown elements(here it is contract component) dont' display selected value. But, I'm sure that there are no object's empty fields. It seems, like array, which linked with p-dropdown options property, is still empty when @Input() field related with p-dropdown ngModel is not. How I can fill in options array before ngModel field will initiated?Or may be there is another problem? My code below:

    Html template:

    <div class="form-group ui-float-label">
    <p-dropdown [options]="selectItems" [(ngModel)]="contract" [filter]="true" (onChange)="onContractSelect()"
    [style]="{'width':'100%'}" id="contract" placeholder="Select a contract" [required]="required" ></p-dropdown>
    <label for="contract" [hidden]="contract == null">Contract</label>

    Component code:

    export class SelectContractComponent implements OnChanges{
    public contracts : Contract[] = [];
    @Input() contract: Contract;
    @Output() contractChange = new EventEmitter();
    @Input() contractor: Contractor;
    selectItems: SelectItem[]= [];

    @Input() disabled: boolean;
    @Input() required: boolean;

    private contractService: ContractService) {

    ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges): void {
    const contractor: SimpleChange = changes.contractor;
    this.selectItems = [];
    if (contractor != null && contractor.currentValue != null){

    private fillSelectItems(contract: Contract){
    this.selectItems.push({label: contract.name, value: contract});

    getContractsByContractor():void {
    .subscribe(contracts => {
    this.contracts = contracts;
    this.contracts.forEach(c => this.fillSelectItems(c));

    .subscribe(contracts => {
    this.contracts = contracts;
    this.contracts.forEach(c => this.fillSelectItems(c));

    public onContractSelect(){


    Fragment from Consignment template:

    <app-select-contract [(contract)]="consignment.costPayerContract" [contractor]="consignment.costPayer"

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