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Confusion about Laravel policy arguments

Discussão em 'Outras Linguagens' iniciado por frboud, Outubro 9, 2024 às 19:12.

  1. frboud

    frboud Guest

    I'm trying to implement Policies in my Laravel application but am having some trouble with the parameters passed.

    I have a very basic Policy named EmployeePolicy


    namespace App\Policies;

    use App\Models\Employee;
    use App\Models\Permission;

    class EmployeePolicy
    * Determine if the given employee can view a permission.
    * @param Employee $Employee
    * @param Permission $Permission
    * @return bool
    public function view(Employee $Employee, Permission $Permission): bool
    return true;

    This policy is called from a controller function view

    public function view (Request $request, Employee $Employee, Permission $Permission) { ... }

    from a route which looks like

    Route::get('/actions/{employee}/{permission}' [\App\Http\Controllers\ApplicationPermissions::class, 'view'])

    In my view function, if I call my Policy with $request->user()->can('view', $Permission), it will always return false (even if I try to dd() in the policy, it will never be called). The policy function will never be called as I assume the function signature is different.

    However, if I call my policy with $request->user()->can('view', [Auth::User(), $Permission]) then my policy will return the error

    App\\Policies\\EmployeePolicy::view(): Argument #2 ($Permission) must be of type App\\Models\\Permission, App\\Models\\Employee given

    I do somewhat understand why it's throwing this error, but I do not understand the proper way to be passing my Permission model to my Employee policy. The documentation has not helped me. Is there something obvious I'm missing?

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