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Angular2 component p-multiSelect Primeng

Discussão em 'Angular' iniciado por aimprogman, Outubro 9, 2024 às 10:22.

  1. aimprogman

    aimprogman Guest

    In template user.component.html i use component of Primeng

    <p-multiSelect name="roles_id" [(ngModel)]="selectedRoles" [options]="user.roles"></p-multiSelect>

    When load the input data, how show selected values

    This code in user.component.ts

    export class UserComponent implements OnInit {

    private selectedStores: string[];

    constructor(private roleService: RoleService){

    this.roleService.getRoleList().subscribe(response =>
    return {label:value.name, value: value.id};


    ngOnInit() {
    roles: [],

    But in interface multiselect show null,null , if i click multiselect the two items selected. How to show label instead null,null ?

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