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Angular material Custom theme not working in angular 18

Discussão em 'Angular' iniciado por San Jaisy, Novembro 7, 2024 às 19:12.

  1. San Jaisy

    San Jaisy Guest

    While installing the material module the default theme was added as below

    "styles": [

    Using the reference https://material.angular.io/guide/theming

    ng generate @angular/material:m3-theme

    A custom theme was created as below

    // This file was generated by running 'ng generate @angular/material:m3-theme'. // Proceed with caution if making changes to this file.

    @use 'sass:map';
    @use '@angular/material' as mat;

    // Note: Color palettes are generated from primary: #a78bfa, secondary: #e6e6e6
    $_palettes: (
    primary: (
    0: #000000,
    10: #21005e,
    20: #381385,
    25: #432390,
    30: #4f319c,
    35: #5b3ea8,
    40: #674bb5,
    50: #8065d0,
    60: #9b7fed,
    70: #b59cff,
    80: #cebdff,
    90: #e8ddff,
    95: #f5eeff,
    98: #fdf7ff,
    99: #fffbff,
    100: #ffffff,
    secondary: (
    0: #000000,
    10: #001f24,
    20: #00363d,
    25: #00424a,
    30: #004f58,
    35: #005b66,
    40: #006874,
    50: #008391,
    60: #00a0b0,
    70: #22bccf,
    80: #4fd8eb,
    90: #97f0ff,
    95: #d0f8ff,
    98: #edfcff,
    99: #f6feff,
    100: #ffffff,
    tertiary: (
    0: #000000,
    10: #31101e,
    20: #492533,
    25: #56303e,
    30: #633b49,
    35: #704655,
    40: #7d5261,
    50: #996a79,
    60: #b58393,
    70: #d19dad,
    80: #efb8c9,
    90: #ffd9e3,
    95: #ffecf0,
    98: #fff8f8,
    99: #fffbff,
    100: #ffffff,
    neutral: (
    0: #000000,
    10: #1c1b1e,
    20: #313033,
    25: #3d3b3e,
    30: #48464a,
    35: #545156,
    40: #605d62,
    50: #79767a,
    60: #938f94,
    70: #aeaaae,
    80: #cac5ca,
    90: #e6e1e6,
    95: #f4eff4,
    98: #fdf8fd,
    99: #fffbff,
    100: #ffffff,
    4: #0f0e11,
    6: #141316,
    12: #201f23,
    17: #2b292d,
    22: #363438,
    24: #3a383c,
    87: #ddd8dd,
    92: #ece7eb,
    94: #f1ecf1,
    96: #f7f2f7,
    neutral-variant: (
    0: #000000,
    10: #1d1a22,
    20: #322f38,
    25: #3d3a43,
    30: #48454e,
    35: #54515a,
    40: #605d66,
    50: #79757f,
    60: #938f99,
    70: #aea9b4,
    80: #cac4cf,
    90: #e6e0ec,
    95: #f5eefa,
    98: #fdf7ff,
    99: #fffbff,
    100: #ffffff,
    error: (
    0: #000000,
    10: #410002,
    20: #690005,
    25: #7e0007,
    30: #93000a,
    35: #a80710,
    40: #ba1a1a,
    50: #de3730,
    60: #ff5449,
    70: #ff897d,
    80: #ffb4ab,
    90: #ffdad6,
    95: #ffedea,
    98: #fff8f7,
    99: #fffbff,
    100: #ffffff,

    $_rest: (
    secondary: map.get($_palettes, secondary),
    neutral: map.get($_palettes, neutral),
    neutral-variant: map.get($_palettes, neutral-variant),
    error: map.get($_palettes, error),
    $_primary: map.merge(map.get($_palettes, primary), $_rest);
    $_tertiary: map.merge(map.get($_palettes, tertiary), $_rest);

    $light-theme: mat.define-theme((
    color: (
    theme-type: light,
    primary: $_primary,
    tertiary: $_tertiary,
    $dark-theme: mat.define-theme((
    color: (
    theme-type: dark,
    primary: $_primary,
    tertiary: $_tertiary,

    Included the theme in the style.scss file

    @use './m3-theme' as customTheme;
    @use '@angular/material' as mat;
    @include mat.core();

    @tailwind base;
    @tailwind components;
    @tailwind utilities;

    html {
    // Apply the light theme by default
    @include mat.core-theme(customTheme.$light-theme);

    However, still not working getting the default theme

    [​IMG] The toolbar is using the color primary

    <mat-toolbar color="primary">


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