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Angular mat-select: two letters of company name duplicates is selected company

Discussão em 'Angular' iniciado por Andrey, Outubro 17, 2024 às 16:12.

  1. Andrey

    Andrey Guest

    I have this Angular component with Material mat-select. I need to have a prefix next to each value, which is represented by a circle displaying two letters of the company name.

    <mat-form-field appearance="outline" class="input-density w-60">
    @if (selectedLocation) {
    class="bg-ds-bright-500 my-1.5 ml-2 mr-1 flex h-9 w-9 items-center justify-center rounded-full text-lg text-white"
    [ngStyle]="{ 'background-color': selectedLocation.contactColor }"
    <p class="uppercase">{{ selectedLocation.companyName[0] }}{{ selectedLocation.companyName[1] }}</p>
    <mat-select [value]="locationId" (valueChange)="onValueChange($event)" class="my-1.5">
    @for (location of locations; track location.locationId) {
    <mat-option [value]="location.locationId">
    <div class="flex flex-row items-center">
    class="bg-ds-bright-500 mr-2 flex h-9 min-h-9 w-9 min-w-9 items-center justify-center rounded-full text-lg text-white"
    [ngStyle]="{ 'background-color': location.contactColor }"
    <span class="uppercase">{{ location.companyName[0] }}{{ location.companyName[1] }}</span>
    <span>{{ location.companyName }}</span>

    Problem: I faced a problem where, if the company name is "PropTech", it displays as "PrPropTech" instead of just "PropTech".

    I noticed that Angular takes {{ location.companyName[0] }}{{ location.companyName[1] }} from mat-option and uses it for selected company.


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