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Angular devtools "Angular application not detected." with canActivate keycloak guard

Discussão em 'Angular' iniciado por T_01, Outubro 17, 2024 às 13:53.

  1. T_01

    T_01 Guest

    The angular devtools plugin in firefox and chrome does not work and reports Angular application not detected. when the root path is guarded by a keycloak auth guard.

    Reproduction steps:

    • Create a new angular project with ng new
    • Extend app.config.ts with keycloak configuration (see below)
    • In app.routes.ts add the following route:

    path: '',
    canActivate: [keycloakGuard],
    component: AppComponent

    Now try to open angular devtools, on mac at least it does not work.

    Is this worth adding to the 1.2k issues in the angular repo?

    export function initializeKeycloak(
    keycloak: KeycloakService,
    ): () => Promise<boolean> {
    return () =>
    config: {
    url: "<keycloak url>",
    realm: '<realm>',
    clientId: '<client id>',
    initOptions: {
    checkLoginIframe: false,

    const KeycloakBearerInterceptorProvider: Provider = {
    useClass: KeycloakBearerInterceptor,
    multi: true,

    // Provider for Keycloak Initialization
    const KeycloakInitializerProvider: Provider = {
    provide: APP_INITIALIZER,
    useFactory: initializeKeycloak,
    multi: true,
    deps: [KeycloakService],

    export const appConfig: ApplicationConfig = {
    providers: [provideRouter(routes),
    KeycloakInitializerProvider, // Initializes Keycloak
    KeycloakBearerInterceptorProvider, // Provides Keycloak Bearer Interceptor

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