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Accessing model attributes inside relationship in laravel returns null when eager loading

Discussão em 'Outras Linguagens' iniciado por Mohamed DS, Outubro 7, 2024 às 14:12.

  1. Mohamed DS

    Mohamed DS Guest

    When accessing model attrs inside relation logic in laravel the attrs are all null when eager loading, if lazy loading it works fine.

    Model relation :

    public function organization()
    return $this->belongsTo(Organization::class, 'organization_id');

    public function currentOrder()

    // Note that this will not work if eager loading the relation
    // for some reason all model's attrs are null when eager loading
    $subscription = $this->organization->currentAdhesionSubscription;

    if ($subscription) {
    return $this->morphOne(Order::class, 'parent')
    ->whereHas('ticketsWithPrice', fn($q) => $q->where('ticket_id', $subscription->ticket_id));

    If lazy load the relation it works :


    If eager loading it won't work :

    $model = Model::with('currentOrder')->first();
    $model->currnetOrder // Error of accessing "currentAdhesionSubscription" on null which is organization which is a relation, but even when I access an attr of the model such as id it returns null when eager loading

    Why model attrs are null when being accessed from whithin an eager loaded relation ?

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