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[SQL] How to insert records where there is a change to one field SQL

Discussão em 'Outras Linguagens' iniciado por Stack, Novembro 6, 2024 às 18:02.

  1. Stack

    Stack Membro Participativo

    I have a table of tickets created that looks basically like this:

    ID Created Status Insert_date
    1 10/30/2024 New 10/31/2024
    2 10/31/2024 New 11/01/2024

    I am currently exporting data from a Sharepoint list as a csv and importing the data to a staging table where I want to import "New" records (where the ID for the ticket is not currently in the table. I also want to import rows where there has been a change to the Status of an existing ticket ID to keep track of changes historically. So lets say the staging table after an import looks like this

    ID Created Status
    1 10/30/2024 In Progress
    2 10/31/2024 New
    3 11/02/2024 New

    The final table after the insert script runs should look like

    ID Created Status Insert_date
    1 10/30/2024 New 10/31/2024
    1 10/30/2024 In Progress 11/02/2024
    2 10/31/2024 New 11/01/2024
    3 11/02/2024 New 11/02/2024

    So now there should be two rows for ticket ID 1 since there was a change, and a new row for ticket ID 3. No changes to ticket ID 2 so no new rows. 11/02/2024 being todays date. The primary key is a combo of ID and Status.

    I know how to insert a new ID by doing a left join of the final table with the staging table

    INSERT INTO dbo.Tickets (ID,Created,Status,Insert_date)
    SELECT b.ID,b.Created,b.Status,CAST(GETDATE() as date)
    FROM dbo.Tickets_Staging b
    LEFT JOIN dbo.Tickets a on b.ID = a.ID
    WHERE a.ID is null

    However I am stuck as to how to also insert rows where there was a change in Status to the Ticket like there was for ticket ID 1.

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