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Welcome to the Powered by Progress Blog

Discussão em 'Progress Blogs' iniciado por csicard, Fevereiro 20, 2014.

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  1. csicard

    csicard Guest

    Welcome to the new Powered by Progress blog! I’m very excited to be able to share with you an update on our initiatives to keep our partners better informed. You told us you wanted more options for keeping up with all of the different services and happenings.

    We’ll use this blog to share with you all the existing — and all the exciting new — ways in which you can stay connected with us.

    First on our list is a Powered by Progress Communication Hub: a central page that you can go to see and share all of our content in a visual, easy-to-read format.

    We also know that you, our valued Partner, are looking for inexpensive and efficient ways to step up your marketing efforts, keep on top of the competition, learn about industry trends and new marketing technologies. We hope to be able to share some great ways to accomplish these goals here.

    Please stay tuned for more about that new resource, and updates and announcements on many more to come.

    Thank you!

    - Chuck Sicard

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