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Update statement SQL with CTE

Discussão em 'Outras Linguagens' iniciado por Stack, Maio 19, 2021.

  1. Stack

    Stack Membro Participativo

    I have a common table expression that I am using trying to use as an update statement. The only reason for the CTE is so I can use a where clause to filter by CredCount. I would like to use that where clause to update only records that match in this case CredCount of 2. However, I am having trouble with the update part of the query.

    Members_id Credentials CredCount members_amountdue
    1 CMA, CPR 2 0
    2 CMA, CPR 2 0
    3 CMA, CPR 2 0

    Here is the query for that

    SELECT members_id, members_amountdue, [Credentials], LEN([Credentials]) - LEN(REPLACE([Credentials], ',', '')) + 1 AS CredCount
    FROM (
    SELECT DISTINCT mem1.members_id, mem1.members_amountdue,
    (SELECT DISTINCT ', ' + credentials_code
    FROM members AS mem JOIN
    members_credentials AS mc ON mc.members_id = mem.members_id JOIN
    credentials AS c ON c.credentials_id = mc.credentials_id
    WHERE mem.[members_id] = mem1.[members_id]
    FOR XML PATH ('')), 1, 1, '') AS [Credentials]
    FROM members AS mem1 JOIN
    members_status as ms on ms.members_status_id = mem1.members_status_id
    ) AS derived),
    CTE2 AS ( SELECT members_id
    FROM members)
    SELECT CTE.members_id, CTE.Credentials, CTE.CredCount, (CTE.members_amountdue + 25) as NewPriceTotal
    CTE2 ON CTE.members_id = CTE2.members_id
    WHERE CTE.CredCount = 2

    With the update statement I was looking at an example provided here at Update records in table from CTE so I added the update statement to the bottom of the query

    SELECT members_id, members_amountdue, [Credentials], LEN([Credentials]) - LEN(REPLACE([Credentials], ',', '')) + 1 AS CredCount
    FROM (
    SELECT DISTINCT mem1.members_id, mem1.members_amountdue,
    (SELECT DISTINCT ', ' + credentials_code
    FROM members AS mem JOIN
    members_credentials AS mc ON mc.members_id = mem.members_id JOIN
    credentials AS c ON c.credentials_id = mc.credentials_id
    WHERE mem.[members_id] = mem1.[members_id]
    FOR XML PATH ('')), 1, 1, '') AS [Credentials]
    FROM members AS mem1 JOIN
    members_status as ms on ms.members_status_id = mem1.members_status_id
    ) AS derived),
    CTE2 AS ( SELECT members_id
    FROM members)
    SELECT CTE.members_id, CTE.Credentials, CTE.CredCount, (CTE.members_amountdue + 25) as NewPriceTotal
    CTE2 ON CTE.members_id = CTE2.members_id
    WHERE CTE.CredCount = 2
    UPDATE members
    set members_amountdue = NewPriceTotal

    When I add the update statement I get an error for invalid column name for 'NewPriceTotal'. I know I need the column to match in order for the update to work but I'm not sure why it's invalid.

    Members_id Credentials CredCount NewPriceTotal
    1 CMA, CPR 2 25
    2 CMA, CPR 2 25
    3 CMA, CPR 2 25

    I would like for the NewPriceTotal to be set at the members_amountdue from the members table but I'm not sure where I made the wrong turn at. Any help, comments or feedback is greatly appreciated.

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