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Selector page error only in French

Discussão em 'PSDN - Forum' iniciado por dora.husaru, Outubro 5, 2018.

  1. dora.husaru

    dora.husaru Guest


    We have an application in English, Dutch and French and 2 objects with a one to many relation. When opening the selector page I get an error at the marked line below: Uncaught SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list. This only happens when we use the app in French.
    From what I can see the message in the alert uses single quotes and also has a ' in the message.

    function selMultiObj(){
    var allInputs = $('input.rbs-selector-rec-check:checked');
    if(allInputs.length > 0){
    if (allInputs.length > 99 ) {
    rbf_showAlert('Le nombre maximal d'enregistrements pouvant être attachés a été dépassé.', 'Le nombre maximal d'enregistrements pouvant être attachés est de 99');

    var objId = $(this).attr('data-rec-id');
    var objName=$(this).attr('data-rec-name');
    if(objId!==undefined && objId!==null && objId!=='' && objName!==undefined && objName!==null && objName!==''){

    return false;

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