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Openedge 4gl Display 2 For each?

Discussão em 'StackOverflow' iniciado por fdantas, Novembro 22, 2018.

  1. fdantas

    fdantas Administrator Moderador

    Let's say I have 2 for each statement with 2 none related table The first one is

    for each table-1
    disp table-1.col1

    for each table-2
    disp table-2.col1

    and it displays to me like this

    table-1.col1 table-1.col2
    table-1.col1 table-1.col2
    table-1.col1 table-1.col2

    table-2.col1 table-2.col2
    table-2.col1 table-2.col2
    table-2.col1 table-2.col2

    I would like it to display like this

    ---------- Table 1 --------- ---------- Table 2 --------
    |table-1.col1 table-1.col2 | |table-2.col1 table-2.col2|
    |table-1.col1 table-1.col2 | |table-2.col1 table-2.col2|
    |table-1.col1 table-1.col2 | |table-2.col1 table-2.col2|

    How to do that ?

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