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Discussão em 'Mobile' iniciado por Vitor Bernstorff Clemes, Janeiro 17, 2021.

  1. Good night, everyone... I`ve been studying react native for about 1 year, and always used expo sdk 37. I managed to develop 2 different apps, but I only knew about "how to do it" and not " how does it work".

    I can say I have intermediate level at this coding, and I`m looking for some online paid classes.

    My doubt is: I can't find any classes that actually uses Expo during the teaching, and I heard many videos about how new EXPO SDK is incredible... So is it worth it to study and develop projects with React-native-cli or should I just keep geting better at expo?

    Also,if you can truly explain me the advantages and disadvantages of using expo, feel free to do it

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