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Manipulando DBF

Discussão em 'Outros/Diversos' iniciado por fdantas, Fevereiro 12, 2009.

  1. fdantas

    fdantas Administrator Moderador

    /* In this example the following fields are written to a new
       dBASE file named "customer.dbf":
       customer.cust-num   N  ZZZZ9
       customer.name       C  x(20)
       customer.address    C  x(20)
                              45 bytes
       This means that the total header length equals 4 x 32 + 1 = 129
       and the record length equals 45 + 1
    def var count# as integer no-undo.
    def var nraw# as raw no-undo.
    def stream customer.
    /* count the customers first */
    for each customer no-lock:
      assign count# = count# + 1.
    output stream customer to customer.dbf binary no-convert.
    /* byte 0: 0x03 identifies this file as a dBASE file */
    put stream customer control "~003".
    /* bytes 1-3: Date of last update */
    run makebinary (year(today) - 1900, 1, output nraw#). /* Y2K?!? */
    put stream customer control nraw#.
    run makebinary (month(today), 1, output nraw#).
    put stream customer control nraw#.
    run makebinary (day(today), 1, output nraw#).
    put stream customer control nraw#.
    /* Put no of records (bytes 4-7) as a 4-byte binary number: */
    run makebinary (count#, 4, output nraw#).                           
    put stream customer control nraw#.
    /* no of bytes in the header (bytes 8-9) */
    run makebinary (129, 2, output nraw#).
    put stream customer control nraw#.
    /* bytes 10-11: record length */
    run makebinary (46, 2, output nraw#).
    put stream customer control nraw#.
    /* bytes 12-31: null */
    put stream customer control null(20).
    /* now the field descriptions */
    put stream customer control
        "CUST_NUM" null(3)     /* null filled */     
        "N"                    /* number */
        null(4)                /* reserved */
        chr(5)                 /* field length in binary */
        null                   /* decimal count in binary */
        null(2)                /* reserved */
        chr(1)                 /* work area id */
        null(11)               /* reserved etc. */
        "CUST_NAME" null(2)
        "ADDRESS" null(4)
        chr(13)                /* field terminator */.
    /* and now the data */
    for each customer no-lock:
      put stream customer " " /* delete flag */
    put stream customer unformatted chr(26). /* EOF marker */
    output stream customer close.
    PROCEDURE makebinary:
      /* This routine converts a Progress integer to a binary
         representation. No "C" needed!
         Input parameters:
         - number to be converted
         - no of desired bytes
         Output parameter
         - binary representation of number as a raw variable
           with the correct length
      def input parameter anumm# as integer no-undo. /* number */
      def input parameter abyte# as integer no-undo. /* no of desired bytes */
      def output parameter nraw# as raw no-undo. /* result of conversion */
      def var acoun# as int no-undo.
      assign length(nraw#) = abyte#.
      if anumm# <0 then do: message program-name(1) + ": This routine works for positive integers only." "Received value of" anumm# "is invalid." view-as alert-box error title "Conversion to binary". return error. end. if anumm#> 0 and anumm# modulo anumm# / EXP(anumm#,abyte#) > 256 then do:
        message program-name(1) + ": received number" anumm#
               "does not fit in" abyte# "bytes."
               view-as alert-box error title "Conversion to binary".
        return error.
      do acoun# = abyte# to 1 by -1:
        put-byte(nraw#,acoun#) = int(truncate(anumm# / EXP(256,acoun# - 1),0)).
        if anumm# ne 0 then
          assign anumm# = anumm# modulo EXP(256,acoun# - 1).
    END PROCEDURE. /* makebinary */

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